Sugden Society visits the MCC with Wesley College Sapere Aude
Queen’s College Sugden Society members and Wesley College Sapere Aude Bequest Society members joined for a visit to the National Sports Museum at the MCG followed by lunch. Those who attended both institutions (known as Purple Wyverns) attended recognising the strong historical links between Wesley and Queen’s.
The museum tour was followed by lunch for some 70 guests in the MCC Committee Room hosted by MCC Vice President and old Wesley collegian David Crow.
In attendance were six former Wesley students who are current or past members of the MCC Committee, but their contribution to MCC governance was overshadowed by the acknowledgement of William McClelland (Wyvern 1899) who served as president of the MCC 1944 – 1957 and who was also President of the Victorian Football League (VFL) 1926 – 1955!
The joint event took on special significance as Wesley makes plans to re-establish boarding from 2017 thereby assisting the strong linkage between Wesley and Queen’s to be reinstated.
View pictures of the event here.