Areas You Can Support
The Annual Giving program is one of the most important ways in which the College, with the generous support of our community – Wyverns, parents, staff and friends – is able to raise funds for a wide range of projects that support, develop and create opportunities for our students.
Your gift, whatever its size, will have a real impact on our students – now and in the future.
Master's Discretionary Fund
This Fund enables the Master to apply resources to the areas of most urgent need.
Enduring Scholarship Program
Through the generous support of our community, we aim to establish perpetual scholarship funds. The Enduring Scholarships Program ensures that the best and brightest, from varying countries and backgrounds, continue to have access to Queen’s College. These funds secure the College’s tradition of academic excellence, provide an enriching, diverse and supportive community, and inspire the students who are welcomed into this community. You can help the Enduring Scholarships Program by either:
- Supporting an existing named Enduring Scholarship (Donate Now)
- Establishing an Enduring Scholarship (refer Enduring Scholarships booklet and Giving Form)
We currently have three named Enduring Scholarships. These are:
Jack and Elaine Clarke Scholarship | Marcia Neaves Law Scholarship | Richard Divall Scholarship
General Scholarships & Bursaries
More than 100 scholarships and bursaries are awarded each year based on financial need and academic excellence, including Entrance Scholarships, Continuation Scholarships, Special Scholarships, and Graduate Scholarships. These scholarships enable students from diverse backgrounds and interests to join the College, adding intellectual and cultural strength and diversity to the community.
In order to continue to generate so many scholarships, Queen’s relies on annual gifts from our community. Donations to Annual Giving help build our Scholarship fund provide extraordinary opportunities to those students who, due to their financial circumstances, would otherwise be unable to accept a place at Queen’s.
Indigenous Scholarships Program
The Indigenous Scholarships Program is one of many scholarships that rely on the philanthropy of our community to facilitate the education of members of our community who, due to their financial circumstances, may not otherwise be able to accept a place at Queen’s.
Cam Brown Community Innovation Fund
Established in memory of Wyvern, Cameron Brown, the fund allocates grants to resident-proposed projects that care for the environment, improve the lives of disadvantaged individuals or groups, or builds community capability through innovation.
The CBCIF, funded by donations from our community, is awarded annually with students submitting project proposals which are reviewed by a panel consisting of Nikki Brown (Cam’s wife), the Master and a representative of the outgoing QCS&SC General Committee.
The CBCIF provides a means to respect and remember one of Queen’s College’s brightest alumnae, a means to connect current residents with generations of Wyverns, and develop a culture of entrepreneurship. Cam was set on making this world a better place. The CBCIF will ensure his life mission is continued.
Student Facilities
Facilities play a key role in our delivery of a world-class living and learning experience. Gifts to this fund enable the development of new student study or communal spaces, refurbishment of current facilities and maintenance of our magnificent heritage architecture. Those who make a gift of $1500 or more to the Student Facilities Fund have the opportunity to ‘name’ one of the heritage dining hall chairs in Eakins (Refer Make Your Mark booklet and Giving Form).
The Music and Performing Arts Fund
To support the Queen’s student experience in music, drama and other art forms as audience members, music students, creators or performers in classical and popular idioms, in formal or casual settings.
Featonby Library
The library is an indispensable resource for students’ studies and is in continual use by our residential community. To accommodate the broad range of subjects for assignments in the courses, the library must regularly update many subject collections, and fill gaps in other parts of the collection. A gift to the Library will support the purchase of books and other library resources, and will make a vital contribution to the students’ academic success. It is an investment for current students and future students.
College Chapel and Choir
To facilitate the work of the Chapel, including our College choir.
The Sugden Heritage Collections
To assist with the maintenance and development of the Sugden Collection, the largest collection on the Wesleys and Methodism in the Southern Hemisphere and eighth largest in the world, renowned as a ‘globally significant collection’.
New Stained Glass Window
In 2023 we would like to raise funds for a new Stained Glass Window to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Chapel.