Sugden Institute: Climate change hypothetical

Climate change is a hot topic at the forefront of many people’s concerns. In a recent Sugden Institute event, we invited a panel of experts to participate in a climate change hypothetical where they played hypothetical and exaggerated versions of themselves to discuss the climate problems of the world in 2037.
On the panel were:
Dr Simon Torok (Wyvern 1986)
Founder and Co-Director of Scientell (Panel Chair)
Dan Ziffer (Wyvern 1996)
Journalist ABC
Evangelia Wichmann
QCS&SC President
Dr Linden Ashcroft (Wyvern 2003)
Lecturer, Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at UoM
Professor Marcia Langton AO
Anthropologist and Geographer, Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne
David Hyett (Wyvern, 1984)
Director of Environment, AECOM
Acting on climate change is a complicated challenge that involves weighing up many different and sometimes conflicting demands. The hypothetical performance was an ideal way to explore these complexities that was both informative and entertaining.

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