The Queen’s College Sugden Institute, named for the College’s founding Master, Rev Dr Edward Sugden, focused its first event for 2022 on the relationships between colleges, universities and communities in time and place. 

Dr Stewart Gill OAM, Master of Queen’s College, introduced the evening by defining the Institute as a space to discuss big ideas in the community, where civic engagement is embedded in education and modelled by leadership.

Professor Duncan Maskell, Vice Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, gave a keynote address on the importance of embracing collaboration and change in this time of reconnection and renewed energy after two years of lockdowns.

The panel discussion that followed was chaired by Queen’s College Wyvern, Dan Ziffer, of the ABC, and included, alongside Professor Maskell, Claire Spencer AM, CEO of the Arts Centre Melbourne and soon to be CEO of the Barbican, London, and Michele Levine, CEO of Roy Morgan Research.

 View the full keynote address and panel discussion here Youtube video:

 Future events at the Sugden institute will include: The Indigenous Oration with Professor Shaun Ewen, Griffith University (11 May); the Sugden Shakespeare Oration with Professor Peter Holbrook (ACU); the Youth Mental Health Forum with Professor Pat McGorry AO; and forums on social media, climate change, and philanthropy.

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