Alicia Kelly- daughter in law, Heather Gill, Dr Stewart Gill OAM, Alex Gill- son. 


It was a very special, and momentous occasion for the College when the portrait of the eighth Master, Dr Stewart Gill OAM, was unveiled on Monday 7 October. Surrounded by family, friends and colleagues, Stewart, joined by artist Lewis Miller, revealed the final work. The piece will join portraits of the other seven Masters in the JCR, and is to hang above the north fireplace.

The two men shared many hours chatting while Lewis, celebrated artist, winner of the Archibald Prize in 1998, painted his subject.

Stewart said, “The important thing about having an artist is that you are able to develop a relationship with them, and we have had lots of conversations. When people see portraits, they think they are encountering that person, I hope you will agree with that comment when you see the portrait my good friend Lewis Miller has produced for the College.”

The connection between artist and subject was forged some time ago.

Lewis said, “It was a reprise in a way as I painted Stewart’s portrait at Emmanuel College. I didn’t have to get over the nervousness you have when you are doing a portrait of someone new, which is the same for the subject. We had that behind us.”

Dr Ian Marshman AM, President of the Queen’s College Council, praised Stewart’s leadership, and thanked Stewart and Heather for their contribution to the College community.

“The portrait is really about acknowledging the contribution of a person who has led the College over a period of eight years. Stewart’s time at Queen’s has been a remarkable period of leadership. Queen’s has been extraordinarily well led in the fundamentals. We have high demand for places in College, our students do exceptionally well, we have very strong links with the university and the wider community and we have a strong vibe around the College, from first year students through to our Fellows and Wyverns. Stewart has done an enormous amount to consolidate and build on that during the past eight years,” said Ian.



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