Congratulations to Chaplain Dr Lindsay Brian Carey (Wyvern 1987) who was recognised in the Australia Day 2024 Honours List. Dr Carey received the Conspicuous Service Medal in the Military Division for devotion to duty in moral injury research and the development of resources and training to support Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel.

“I became really concerned about the number of veterans who were potentially being diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and yet their deep-set problem may not just be PTSD but actually a moral issue. People forget that moral injury, and also PTSD, have a social spiritual impact on people.”

The ADF defines moral injury as a trauma-related syndrome caused by the physical, psychological, social and spiritual impact of grievous moral transgressions, or violations of an individual’s deeply held moral beliefs and/or ethical standards.

Dr Carey helped to design the moral injury skills training that has been used to train Defence’s 250 chaplains in a new strategy known as pastoral narrative disclosure.

Dr Carey is the co-author of more than 200 publications and the 2019 co-recipient of the ‘Weary Dunlop Award’ from the Australasian Military Medicine Association.

“The CSM award gives greater recognition to the current veteran research and chaplaincy training that has been undertaken here in Australia with respect to moral injury. Predominantly most of the research has been undertaken overseas but Australia is now one of the leaders in the field.”

Currently, an Associate Professor (Adjunct) at La Trobe University, and the University of Notre Dame in Sydney, Dr Carey notes his time at Queen’s was crucial in his career.

“Attending Queen’s and the University of Melbourne was a significant turning point for me, it helped me to clarify what I wanted to achieve, the changes I needed to implement, and where I wanted to progress. I was also greatly inspired by other Wyverns who I had met during my time at Queen’s, learning about their achievements, particularly in the areas of research, applied science and practical theology.”





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